Mixing languages for the first time on Euphoria, the Spanish and English blend of tracks on a single album was a sign of Enrique’s growing confidence that he could satisfy and develop both markets at the same time. And that tension we were talking about? There’s a choice turn of phrase on an alternative cut that seems more in-step, but make sure there’s no one of a sensitive disposition in earshot… With rapper Ludacris joining him on the video, the mix paid dividends with a return to the US Top 10 and strong sales worldwide. One of Enrique’s biggest hits of the 2010s, the tension between the song’s erotic charge and what radio programmers would be happy to play is palpable in this urgent dance track.

Y TE PIDO PERDÓN= (in Spanish) And I apologise, and I ask for your forgiveness.5: Tonight (I’m Lovin’ You) (featuring Ludacris & DJ Frank E) HACIENDO HISTORIA (in Spanish)= Making history = doing something so important that it will be remembered in the future and recorded in history books. TO THE MAX= (coll.) To the maximum = As much as possible.įROM HERE TO THE MOON AND BACK= A common expression to say that we love someone very very very much.ĭICEN QUE UNO NO SA.= (in Spanish) They say you don't know what you have until you've lost it, but it's worth fighting for what you want and give it a try. I WANT YOU BACK= I want you to come back with me. That is not very common today but it still happens sometimes, so we can say I WILL NEVER STOP or NEVER WILL I STOP, which sounds more archaic and so, more beautiful. NEVER WILL I STOP= (old fashioned or poetic) In old English inversion was used when the sentence starts with an adverb instead of the subject. Here we have "the times" and "they", where "they" refers to "the times". THE TIMES THEY TRY= In English it is possible sometimes to use a duplicated subject for emphasis, putting the noun and then the pronoun (e.g. spelling, AmE version) Because.ĮVEN THOUGH= An emphatic form of "Although".

TO MAKE IT WORK= To make our relationship right, so we can be lovers and have no problems anymore.ĬUZ= (slang, coll. TURN BACK TIME= Go to the past and change it. In this case, the situation is so bad that not even the Guardian Angel can protect him from the pain.ĭRINKING MY PAIN AWAY= Getting drunk to forget and stop feeling this pain.ĮSTO NO ME GUSTA= (in Spanish) I don't like this.ĬAN'T TAKE THE PAIN= This pain is too strong for me. For most Christians, the Guardian Angel is a personal protection, a specific angel sent by God to protect you, something like a spiritual bodyguard. He must be referring to the Guardian Angel. MY ANGEL= This angel could be her, his lost love, but the context here makes it improbable. Literally it means to stay out of bed, but it can also be used even if you were in bed all night, trying to sleep but with no success. UP ALL NIGHT= If you're up all night, you can't sleep. In this case it means more or less "she stopped loving me and forgot about me", which is similar to "moved on".

MOVED ON= If you move on after breaking a relationship, you stop feeling hurt and continue with your life without looking back. Never will I stop, I'll never get enough.ĭICEN QUE UNO NO SABE LO QUE TIENE HASTA QUE LO PIERDE PERO VALE LE PENA LUCHAR POR LO QUE UNO QUIERE Y HACER EL INTENTO The only thing that mattered to me was our love, I wish that I could turn back time and say I love you,Ĭuz even through the times they try to hate on us,